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MOBB United Messenger Edition 7 - April 2018


Edition 7 April 2018
MESSENGER #ProtectOurSons

Founder's Corner: Our
Sons' Right to BE

     Since the last edition of The Messenger, two more Black males have been in the news for being killed by police. 22-year-old Stephon Clark of Sacramento, CA was gunned down in his family's backyard while holding a cell phone. Officers fired 20 rounds, with 8 bullets piercing through Clark’s body...



Trayvon Martin Remembrance Weekend Reflections

Image Description

     I sat in a Black SUV along with four others I had never met before. We got to know each other on the ride over to the peace walk/peace talk, and by the time we were there, we had formed our pack. It was hard to believe I had just landed in Miami, Florida, just 3 hours earlier. Though the excitement was...


Policy and Advocacy Committee Progress

     The Policy and Advocacy Committee finalized and recently launched a new advocacy resource, the organization’s Legislative Policy Platform. The Legislative Platform outlines MOBB United for Social Change’s policy priorities and equips members to be informed about...


MUSC Calls for Transparent and Expeditious Investigation into the Death of 22-Year-Old Stephon Clark

     On Sunday night, Stephon Clark was doing the same thing that many of us do regularly — he simply walked around the outside of his home with his cell phone in his hand. That night, Stephon was killed in the...


Parkland Reflections

On February 14th of this year, a young man armed with an AR-15 rifle entered his former high school, killed 17 people—mostly students—and injured 15. This was, by no means, the first school shooting we’ve seen; in fact, there have been at least 17 school shootings to date in 2018 alone. In part because of its...


Donovan’s Story: 14-Year-Old Father of Twins Defying the Odds

Michelle Carter’s voice fills with pride when she talks about her 15 year-old son, Donovan. “He’s incredibly mature and responsible. He doesn’t see himself as doing something remarkable—to him, he’s just doing what he’s supposed to do,” said the proud mom, who is a member of the Moms of Black Boys United, Inc. Private Facebook group. Donovan is the father of twin toddler girls, named...


Passover to Freedom

Go Down, Moses” is commonly known as a “Negro Spiritual”, although it may have earlier origins as a rallying song for escaped slaves who joined Union forces in the Civil War. It is also reported to be a code song for slaves traveling the Underground Railroad out of Maryland. If you are familiar with this song, you may know...



Brothers are the best brothers! They are nurturing, protective, loving and fun! Here is some inspiration from an abolitionist poem: "Am I not a man and brother; Ought I not, then, to be free?" Enjoy these awesome photos...


Special Needs Committee Update: Autism Awareness Month

April is Autism Awareness Month. MOBB United has encouraged moms to be aware of these themes and participate in the following and activities...


Education and Engagement Committee Update

Hello, Moms of Black Boys United beauties! Happy April! Spring is finally here
Our Education and Engagement Committee has been working towards keeping moms engaged through our monthly Facebook live readings and our MOBB United Book...


Gifted Learners: Advocating for Screening and Referrals for Children of Color

My son, Ezekiel, is never without a book in hand and a backpack full of reading on-the-go. As the youngest of five, he probably got read aloud to a little longer and a little more often than his siblings, with me not quite ready to let go of that sweet stage of snuggles and bedtime stories. So, it was no surprise...














How can you support the cause to protect our sons?


     Join MOBB United for Social Change: All organization activities are funded through membership dues, store purchases, and donations. We look forward to you joining our mission.


     Purchase MOBB United for Social Change merchandise: You'll find unique apparel and gifts for all through the online store.


     You can view and purchase items through secure credit card transactions, search the online store for a particular item, select item attributes (i.e., size and color, when applicable), and designate your order mailing address -- home, work or wherever you choose!


Note: All store prices include shipping.

*Special thanks to C.K. LeDaniel, Rebecca Palermo, and Vivian Nwankpah, Beth Lunde, and Theresa Cunningham, for their contributions in the preparation of the newsletter.*
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About This Email
   Prior Editions - Feb 2018, Dec 2017, Oct 2017, Sept 2017, Aug 2017, June 2017