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  • published Education and Engagement Committee Overview in Cause (c4) 2024-01-23 09:12:48 -0600

    Education and Engagement Committee Overview

    By Kumari Ghafoor-Davis

    Education and Engagement

         The Moms of Black Boys United, Inc. Education and Engagement Committee works to provide informative resources and referrals. The committee connects with community organizations and forms partnerships with law enforcement agencies, schools and other organizations to support the growth, development, and success of Black boys and men. Moms can get information and resources to be even better moms and seek guidance about their children’s social, academic and emotional development when they have questions or when their children are struggling in school. As moms, we know that education decreases victimization, so we must support all moms to assist their children in being self-sufficient as well as socially, emotionally and academically empowered. Moms who want to be a part of the Education and Engagement Committee and/or moms who have questions about their sons pertaining to education, can reach out to us at [email protected].

         The Education and Engagement Committee also has partnered with San Diego State University to provide a free online course titled “Black Minds Matter” this fall. This opportunity, led by Dr. Luke Wood, an Associate Professor at the college, can be utilized by our moms as a resource. The “Black Minds Matter” course will focus on addressing the experiences and realities of Black boys and men in education and the ways Black minds are engaged in the classroom. The course also will balance a discussion of issues facing Black male students, as well as offer research based strategies for improving their success. There will be several speakers during the series. Many are professors at other universities, such as the University of Southern California; UCLA; and the University of Chicago. Other partner organizations are: The Campaign for Black Male Achievement; The Education Trust West (a policy organization led by the former Secretary of Education under President Obama) and Our Scholarship Matters (an apparel company that helped fund/promote the course).

         Moms of Black Boys United, Inc., the 501c3 sister organization of MOBB United for Social Change (MUSC), needs donations to provide the much needed support to moms and sons. Pleaselearn more about fundraising plans and what else you can do to help. The work is crucial, so we hope you'll consider donating today at

  • published Policy and Advocacy Committee Progress in Cause (c4) 2024-01-23 08:01:12 -0600

    Policy and Advocacy Committee Progress

    By Delicia Hand and Frankie Robertson

    Policy and Advocacy Committee Update

         This summer, in partnership with our 501c3 sister organization, Moms of Black Boys United, Inc., the Policy and Advocacy Committee of MOBB United for Social Change, Inc. (MUSC) has focused on outreach to congressional and state representatives. Revamping #MOBBUnitedGetInvolved, we reached out to and organized meetings with key stakeholders, congressional representatives in particular. We kicked off the initiative with outreach to members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC). The objective of these meetings was to:

    • Introduce Moms of Black Boys United as a resource to members and their constituents.
    • Introduce MUSC as a new but critically important voice for moms of Black boys nationwide who want to secure policy changes to ensure that our sons thrive and survive.
    • Learn about policy makers’ legislative agendas and identify ways in which we can partner with them.

         Our meetings were a great success. We reached out to more than 20 CBC and congressional members; attended approximately 12 meetings and August recess town hall events; and had one meeting with a state legislative representative in a member’s home district. For MUSC’s first effort at congressional outreach, this indeed was a positive start to building our range and reputation as an organization. Our work resulted in many suggestions and opportunities for partnership, including discussions about partnering with Sen. Kamala Harris to provide support for a bail reform proposal.

         Pivoting from these meetings, a small delegation of members attended the CBC’s Annual Legislative Conference (ALC) in mid-September. As the country’s key policy conference on issues impacting Blacks in America and globally, participation in the ALC provided key learning, advocacy and networking opportunities. Founder Depelsha McGruder and MUSC members attended several sessions on criminal justice reform and Black boys and men, interacting with legislators, professors and organizational leaders. Sessions included:

    • The History of Policing Black America and its 13th Amendment Roots
    • Preventative Strategies for Black Youth in the Juvenile Justice System
    • Criminal Justice Reform: Making America Accountable for Black Lives
    • The Resistance: An Intersectional Strategy Session
    • Policing Black Men and Boys: Are the Odds Against Them?

         Depelsha also co-hosted the 'Taking it to the Screen' Short Film Screening and Panel Discussion on September 21st in partnership with the Social Cinema Project. With an audience of more than 90 attendees, the panel discussion covered media images, police/community relations, restorative justice and violence in our communities. The event, also a Woke Mom meetup, was held at Busboys and Poets Restaurant in D.C. MUSC thanks Ralph Scott of Social Cinema for the great partnership. Depelsha was pleased to meet and introduce Congressman Hank Johnson (D - GA) from her home district in GA, and she was excited to meet 15 local D.C. members of MUSC. Check out the press release from the event to learn more about the films and participants.

         The week was a powerful opportunity to get re-engaged, meet with policy makers and identify future partners for our important work.

         Moving forward, we plan to make the ALC one of our cornerstone events where we will have even greater presence. We also will seek organizational meetings with policymakers while we are there in Washington, D.C. For now, as Fall begins, MUSC’s Policy and Advocacy committee is planning for the 2018 legislative sessions and the 2018 midterm elections. Prior to the start of the legislative season, MUSC will develop a platform to guide the organization’s legislative advocacy work. The platform will outline key issues that MUSC will support in its state, local and federal campaigns. Having this platform will allow MUSC proactively to identify opportunities and policy initiatives that improve outcomes for our sons, and we will organize our campaigns in support of these initiatives. Currently, the committee is conducting research to develop the platform. Are you aware of policy initiatives that MUSC should or could support? Make sure your voice is reflected in our legislative platform by contacting us at [email protected].

         Since the 2018 midterm elections are approaching, this is the time to make sure you and your sons -- and all your eligible family members -- are registered to vote. Make sure you are aware of any elections in your communities. Educate yourself about local candidates. The Policy and Advocacy Committee soon will begin executing a plan to ensure that moms’ voices are present and accounted for in the upcoming elections. If you are interested in getting involved in our electoral advocacy work, email [email protected] for more information, and join our bi-weekly policy update calls Thursdays, 10pm ET.

  • published Supporting Moms of Black Boys United, Inc. in Cause (c4) 2024-01-23 07:43:44 -0600

    Supporting Moms of Black Boys United, Inc.

    By Crys Baldwin and Vanessa McCullers

    Donate     This edition of the newsletter is dedicated to Moms of Black Boys United, Inc., the 501c3 sister organization of MOBB United for Social Change, Inc. (MUSC). The mission of Moms of Black Boys United is to provide information and support for moms of Black sons while promoting positive images of Black boys and men. In addition to producing image campaigns to change the negative perceptions of our Black sons, we believe in making a difference through a holistic approach to strengthening the overall health and wellness of moms and the families of Black boys and men. This important work must be funded, so we are seeking donations for Moms of Black Boys United. By donating, you will be pledging to support an organization that has a singular focus and mission to protect our Black sons.

         With your pledge of support, Moms of Black Boys United can educate the community about our mission by hosting community forums across the nation to educate moms and sons on topics like those covered in the Saturday bi-weekly national status and update conference calls (from Know Your Rights and How to Interact with Law Enforcement to Preventing Bullying and the School to Prison Pipeline), but in person with community stakeholders present. These meetings will provide a platform for our mission to be heard and for moms to gather to raise awareness of our mission and hold elected officials accountable.

         Your support will continue our efforts to build the organization, which has a targeted approach to provide comprehensive resources for Moms of Black boys and men by providing the following:

    • Informational webinars/seminars featuring experts with advice on topics relevant for moms and sons.
    • Parenting workshops to support and empower moms by teaching them how to advocate for their sons.
    • Victim support funds to support families who have been affected by police brutality.
    • A resource database of expert consultants/partnerships that include mental health, education and criminal justice.

         How much should you donate to this worthy cause? Here are some more examples of what varying levels of support will allow:

    • $250: Helps create and maintain regular seminars/webinars in communities across the country to assist Moms in navigating the education and judicial systems.
    • $100: Helps to fund our image campaigns, distributed through social media platforms and beyond. Image campaigns, like #ProtectThem, are meant to:
      -Help change the perception of our Black boys and men.
      -Celebrate our Black sons.
      -In some cases, provide information to help others understand the plight of our sons and inspire them to advocate on behalf of Black boys and men.
    • $50: Allows Moms of Black Boys United to provide support to moms who have lost their loved ones at the hands of police brutality. One such way that we have provided support is by assisting with funeral arrangements, providing monetary support in times of need, and helping to  identify community/government funded resources to further assist.

         Moms of Black Boys United, Inc., as an eligible U.S. charitable organization, is tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and not classified as a private foundation or certain types of supporting organizations.

         Company Donation Matching: While you carefully consider your donation, did you know that many companies support causes that are important to their employees by matching their charitable donations? Before you send your contribution, find out if your company will double or triple your impact to influence change in supporting Moms of Black Boys United. Matching your donation is simple. Enter your employer's name here, or check with your company's human resources department to see if they have a matching gift program. Most companies will provide you with a short form to complete and send to us with your donation. We will verify your donation, and send the completed form to your company for processing. It's that easy!

         Let's continue the movement of moms that came before us to press forward as a collective unit across the US and globally to drive change. We each must take a stand -- make it our business -- to do the critical work required to protect our sons. It has been said that when women get involved, a movement becomes serious. You are the movement behind the mission of Moms of Black Boys United. Your donation will help save lives.

         When you're ready, you can make a quick and easy donation online to Moms of Black Boys United. If you have questions, send them to [email protected].

         Thank you.

  • published School-to-Prison Pipeline in Cause (c4) 2024-01-22 08:34:35 -0600

    School-to-Prison Pipeline

    By Pamela Wood-Garcia

    Painting by Susan Kricorian

    Painting by Susan Kricorian


         With the 2017-2018 school year upon us, we are faced with the fact that we are living amid a socioeconomic regression. The current White House administration has all but vanquished the hope for any kind of reform that benefits people of color. This includes education and prison reform. With Betsy DeVos at the helm of the country’s entire public education system and Jeff Sessions dissecting our criminal justice system, much of the reform that took place during the Obama Administration is literally being reversed. Because of this, we can expect the school-to-prison pipeline to be flooded with even more of the hottest commodity on Wall Street: inmates.

         Shares of privatized prison stock are traded daily in America, just like shares of Amazon or Facebook. There is a big difference between what keeps each type of stock viable. The difference is that with Amazon and Facebook, shares of stock go up and down based on sales; but with privatized prisons, the stock goes up and down based on the number of inmates incarcerated at each facility. This form of trading relies heavily on the education system and criminal justice system failing people of color. This overlapping of government and industry is referred to as The Prison Industrial Complex. This phenomenon, which takes human life and turns it into profit, is fueled by the school-to-prison pipeline.

         As Moms of school aged Black Boys, we need to know exactly how the school-to-prison pipeline stacks up against our sons. The school-to-prison pipeline is described by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) as being a disturbing national trend wherein children are funneled out of public schools and into the juvenile and criminal justice systems. This trend is accomplished by way of several devices: Zero Tolerance laws, racial disparities, school resource officers, Individual Education Plans (IEPs), and parents who don't know their rights.

          Let’s take the time to be open and honest about what American schools are like for most boys and young men of color. Our boys usually have at least one teacher who has an amazing smile and an outstanding record amongst peers for being a stellar educator. This teacher usually is not a person of color and always states that he or she loves having your boy in the class but constantly complains that your child is extremely disruptive. Your child claims he is not doing anything that varies from what other students are doing, yet this teacher wants to put your child on a behavior contract. This way, if your child has a good day, he gets a treat; but if he has a bad day, he gets marks against him in his cumulative file, a permanent record that will follow him into college. Teachers like this usually hone in on children of color with IEPs > and non-apparent disabilities. What was just described is covert racism in the classroom. The Respect Institute has documentation that shows that schools are the main place where hate incidents and racism occur. If a child is on a behavior contract, it makes it easy to implement Zero Tolerance policies when the opportunity is presented.

         Zero Tolerance policies were established in the late nineties. These policies place unrealistic responsibility on young people maneuvering their way through their childhood and teenage years. These policies are strict and rigid and leave no room for principals or other school administrators to deal with student conflict with any type of discretion. There are no discussions about certain behaviors on a case-by-case, student-by-student basis. Instead, violations of  Zero Tolerance policies, which include possession of illegal drugs on campus, possession of a weapon on campus, smoking on campus, or fighting on campus, lead to out-of-school suspension or expulsion for first-time offenders. Many times, these incidents are referred to school police officers, which sometimes leads to arrests and trips to youth detention facilities. All of this for simple childhood mistakes that could have been handled by a principal or school counselor. The majority of people receiving these infractions are Black or Brown students on IEPs and/or those who have non-apparent disabilities and disorders. Examples of non-apparent disabilities and disorders are attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, dyslexia, bipolar disorder, and post traumatic stress disorder. These disorders coupled with poor grades and racial disparities cause the school-to-prison pipeline to work in a way that has kept the number of Black students in the juvenile criminal justice system at an all time high for the past 20 years.

         Based on data from both the ACLU and the Center On Youth Justice, Black students are suspended three times more frequently than their White counterparts. The ACLU also noted that Black students who are suspended or expelled for discretionary infractions are three times more likely than White students to have contact with the juvenile justice system the following year. This process gets students documented and guided into America’s abyss of a criminal justice system early. Genevieve Jones-Wright, a Black public defense attorney and candidate for San Diego County’s District Attorney’s Office, gave MOBB United for Social change (MUSC) some very powerful advice. “There is a direct connection between students who are given harsh disciplinary sanctions by schools and those who enter the juvenile justice system. And these students are predominantly students of color. The school-to-prison pipeline ushers our babies into the criminal justice system where they are prepared for jail and prison, and not for college. We call our children ‘the future,’ and indeed they are. If we don't stop saddling up our children with convictions, our future will be bleak. We must disrupt this pipeline. And we must do it now.”

          How do we as moms do our part to disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline? A number of things can be done to usher your child away from this ravenous monster of a pipeline. These things must be done consistently and thoroughly to work:

    1. Know your child’s teachers and make sure they know you. This means show for your child. When educators see your face on a regular basis, it makes it clear to them that you are there to support your child through their educational experience.

    2. Teach your son his rights and responsibilities as a student and as a member of his community.

    3. Know your rights and responsibilities as the parent of a student and as a member of your community.

    4. Document every single adverse incident your child has at school. This means keep a record of the date, time, place, and people involved in the incident. Note the cause of the incident, what was done to troubleshoot the incident, what solutions worked, what solutions did not work, and document follow up dates to measure progress of solutions implemented. Give special attention to incidents involving racial disparities.

    5. Don’t be afraid to go over the heads of teachers and administrators to your child’s school superintendent if you are not getting what you need from the staff at his school site.

    6. Put your child in a mentoring program that has a proven track record or that has mentors with outstanding credentials.

    7. If tutoring or educational resources are offered to your child, take advantage of them.

    8. Monitor your child’s homework and class work on a daily basis. Most schools have web pages set up for each student. You can monitor academic grades, citizenship scores, and individual assignments on these web pages and make duplicate copies of all assignments.

    9. Go into your child's cumulative file after any incident, infraction, or school related police encounter and read through all of the notes. If you find info that you disagree with something, add a note explaining your child’s position.

    10. Appeal or dispute infractions against your child that you feel are wrong.

         The Prison Industrial Complex feeds off of the school-to-prison pipeline. Its appetite is not going to be curbed anytime soon, but as moms, we can starve this monster by staying aware of what we are up against and using every resource at our disposal as a means to battle it. Moms of Black boys must stick together, share resources, and be a means of support for each other while dealing with issues involving our sons and their education. Join MOBB United for Social Change (MUSC) today.

  • published Early Childhood Suspension Study in Cause (c4) 2024-01-22 07:50:30 -0600

    Early Childhood Suspension Study

    ByKumari Ghafoor-Davis

    Kumari Ghafoor-Davis    MOBB United recently connected with Dr. Rosemarie Allen, an Associate Professor at Metropolitan State University. Dr. Allen asked our moms to review and participate in a survey (open to all races) that she and her colleagues (Dr. Vinh and Dr. Strain) are conducting to complete their “Early Childhood Suspension Study”.

        Within the study, the researchers are trying to learn how moms of Black sons and daughters feel their children are being treated in schools. They want to know if they feel their children are punished more harshly and given less consideration than their non-Black peers. With MOBB United moms, they are particularly interested in the experiences of our boys, which is why it is CRITICAL that EVERY mom with a young Black boy participate in the survey.

       There has been much research and many articles have been written confirming the disparities in the disciplining of Black students and White students. A 2012 New York Times article titled, Black Students Face More Discipline, described the problem. There also has been case after case showing how our children are treated differently by school officials and law enforcement. Such cases include the 2016 story of a 6-year-old in Milledgeville, Georgia who was arrested for throwing a temper tantrum, and the 2015 story of a high school football player with hopes of one day playing in the NFL, who was accused of rape when he was 16, tried as an adult, and sentenced to 5 years in jail plus 5 years parole for being a sex offender.

        Both of these cases bear direct similarity to nationally known cases of White children who were accused of the same type of behaviors but were treated much more leniently. For example, a White 10-year-old was suspended for a week for bringing a knife arsenal to school in Iowa; and Brock Turner, the White Stanford swimmer who was accused of raping an unconscious female classmate, received a 6-month sentence but only served 3 months of that sentence because the judge did not want to interrupt his education or his swimming career.

        Dr. Allen’s study of early childhood suspension is such an important and needed tool right now in a very volatile world. It can be used to raise awareness of how our children are treated in schools and how the school-to-prison pipeline is extremely prevalent in our communities from as early as preschool/kindergarten all the way through high school and into college. The more aware we are of the disparities, the better we can voice our dissatisfaction about how our children are treated by school officials and law enforcement, and the more effectively we can advocate on their behalf.

         If you are a mom or if you know of a mom with a young Black boy in 1st grade or younger, please take the survey or tell friends where they can find it at With this information in hand, we can empower ourselves, our children, and other moms to ensure that we all know the rights of students and parents and are equipped to handle situations that may arise in school.

  • published Black Maternal Trauma - Part 2 in Cause (c4) 2024-01-22 07:27:40 -0600

    Black Maternal Trauma - Part 2

    By Uchechi Eke

    Uchechi Eki

        My intention for this feature is to discuss in more detail the psychological impact that moms of Black boys and men endure when they watch, read or hear that their son, or another male figure in their family or community, has fallen victim to police brutality. (Also read Part One of this series). There is a mounting body of work dedicated to, and extensive research on, ‘Post-Traumatic Slave Syndrome (PTSS)’, which provides a useful context for this article.

        The revered author and highly acclaimed clinical psychologist, Dr. Joy DeGruy, describes PTSS as, “a set of behaviours, beliefs and actions associated with, or related to multi-generational trauma experienced by African-Americans as a result of slavery…PTSS posits that centuries of slavery in the United States, followed by systemic and structural racism and oppression, including lynching, Jim Crow laws, and unwarranted mass incarceration, have resulted in multigenerational maladaptive behaviours, which originated as survival strategies. The syndrome continues because children whose parents suffer from PTSS are often indoctrinated into the same behaviours, long after the behaviours have lost their contextual effectiveness.” (‘Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome: America's Legacy of Enduring Injury and Healing’, 2005, Dr. Joy DeGruy).

        I think the relevance and impact of PTSS has never been more acute. We live in an age where ‘Black Pain Porn’ is commonplace. The term might appear extreme, but the reality is worse. The onslaught of visuals that Black mothers are subject to has become a relentless and constant part of our everyday experience.

        With the advancements in modern technology, we are witnessing an unprecedented and never-ending movie reel of terror. Mobile phones capture the indignity, brutality and murders of our boys at an alarming and exponential rate. As of the time of writing (08.10.2017), 608 people had been shot and killed by police this year. 150 or 25% of all cases were Black victims.

        Mobile phones and social and digital platforms have played a substantial role in our pain. But we also must give consideration to the impact on our psyche that news channels, the mainstream print media and Hollywood have played in our trauma. The broadcasting of state sanctioned killings on social media alert us to the horrors that occur in real time – no filters, just raw, unaltered images. These video clips compel and arrest our attention – impulsively, we react emotionally, spiritually and psychologically. Out of anger and frustration, we mobilize, demand reforms and seek justice. But then what? We are left empty still, hopeless and anxiety stricken for the safety of our boys, who merely are trying to live their lives like their White counterparts.

        During chattel slavery, mothers witnessed their children, husbands and members of their family being raped, beaten, set alight and killed. Lynchings were public events; they became fixtures in the calendar. Newspapers and posters widely promoted the execution of loved ones. Picnics and stools lined the vicinity, people waited with earnest expectation at the spectacle before them – the lynching, castration and burning of the ‘n***er who stepped out of line.’ Wives, sisters, aunts and mothers were forced to watch these heinous crimes as a form of punishment and as a deterrent. Of course, women also were lynched, leaving their children motherless; and with both parents gone, many children became orphans, left in the care of their extended family of slave owners.

        From slavery to the Reconstruction, from the Civil Rights movement to the Obama era, history has not been kind to our sons. Systematic oppression occupies all forms of strata. And with every age, new and evolved methods of brutality have been used to maintain White supremacy and White preservation.

        My question is what really is behind this agenda? Why haven’t the images of Black people being killed been censored or quelled? Why are we faced with the consumption of blackness in every form?

        From Emmett Till to MLK, from Rodney King to Michael Brown, from Tamir Rice to Darius Smith, we are bombarded with live-action footage of Black men and boys being shot and killed without recourse or reproach.

        Let’s look more closely at how our trauma is ever present, via the propaganda driven, race-baiting and one-dimensional narratives utilized for commercial gain at the Box Office. Hollywood, like nationwide media outlets, is one of our greatest aggressors. Film companies and studio executives strategically and falsely sell us ‘colorblindness’ and the importance of telling ‘our stories’, against a backdrop of racism. Their films and TV shows only serve to perpetuate and recycle ‘Black Pain Porn.’ Through the medium of television and film, racist language and acts are liberally displayed on our screens – seeping into our subconscious to normalize Black subjugation for a predominantly White audience. But we watch these films, too!

        This is why there is very little empathy or sympathy for our sons when their bodies are left at the side of a road, or outside a store, or in a car. The dominant society has seen the destruction and disposal of Black and brown bodies so many times, that they have become insensitive to our humanity. They cannot express outrage; there is no outcry. Don’t get me wrong, we have many allies within White America, from grassroots organizations to prolific and outspoken individuals who have been instrumental in our fight. And we will continue to partner with them to pursue our mission and align our advocacy efforts with theirs.

        However, there have been countless movies made about slavery, slaves, servitude and victim-hood, compared to the number of films showing us as the heroic protagonist, or films that revel in and celebrate our resistance, progress and advancement? Let’s look at a few popular examples over the past hundred years:


    Slave Films

    Revolt Stories

    1903 ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’

    1982 ‘A House Divided: Denmark Vesey’s Rebellion’

    1975 ‘Mandingo’

    1989 ‘Glory’

    1984 ‘Solomon Northup’s Odyssey’ and 2013 ’12 Years a Slave’

    1997 ‘Amistad’

    2012 ‘Django Unchained’

    2008 ‘Frederick Douglass and the White Negro’

    1977 ‘Roots’

    2013 ‘Tula’

    2016 ‘Roots’

    2016 ‘Birth of a Nation’


        Of the films listed above, which ones do you prefer and genuinely enjoyed watching? Which ones were as informative as they were soul-renewing? Or which ones just left a bad taste in your mouth?

       With ’12 Years a Slave’ for instance, as cinematographically brilliant as the film is, it’s hard to watch without being angered about the amount of violence perpetrated upon Black flesh and Black womanhood without simultaneously feeling that the self-worth of the modern day African-American isn’t being diminished. It’s also difficult to negate my emotions that that this kind of film inflames an omnipresent and smouldering mistrust of Whites by Blacks.

        In recent, years we have seen the tide turn slightly. We have the superb and thought-provoking documentary ‘13th’, ‘I’m Not Your Negro’, ‘The Kaleif Browder Story’, and the TV series ‘Underground’, which highlight not only the impact of racist laws, but also the spirit of our people to overcome and resist in the face of utter despair and savagery. However, we still have some way to go. The recent release of ‘Detroit’ is a step backwards for me. The film focuses on the 1967 uprisings in Detroit. Over 5 days, the city burned. One police officer was killed, and 43 citizens died. The ‘rebellion’ is tainted, and all we see are ‘rioters’ and ‘looters’. Aren’t we are tired of seeing the same images? Nothing new here. So why are such films continually being funded and produced?

        The bodies of Black boys and men still are subject to abuse, and no one is saying it’s enough. Rather, we are told to ‘get over it,’ ‘work hard,’ ‘pull ourselves up,’ ‘stop whining and complaining,’ and ‘stop being divisive.’ If you want us to forget, why continue to make films that remind us of our afflictions? Is it because it propagates the image they want us to retain, to impress upon our psyche, forever etched in our soul – that we are nothing more than captives, needing to be saved, unable to advance, regressive, feral, anti-authoritarian and inferior?

        We need to stop the profiteering of our pain by patronizing these films and shows. We need to be more decisive about that to which we expose ourselves. We need to guard our spirits and be more conscious of what we are willing to tolerate – anger without action is futile. Self-love, self-preservation and protecting our peace is paramount to our resistance.

        As bleak as it may appear, there are countless organizations that are working tirelessly to flip the script, impact policy, seek reforms, change perceptions, dismantle falsehoods and institute a new paradigm shift – one that clearly centres Black boys and men with dignity, showing their humanity, demanding respect and justice. I’m proud to be a member of MOBB United for Social Change (MUSC).

        Will you join us to protect and honor the image of our boys and start the healing process in order to repair our minds and restitute our communities? Register at now!

        This is the second installment of the log and blog series on the victims of fatal police brutality that MUSC has been tracking since it was established in the summer of 2016. Also read Black Maternal Trauma - Part 1 if you missed it.

  • Victim Blaming or Basic Social Studies? Teaching Kids how to Interact Properly with Police

    By Pamela Wood-Garcia

    Pamela Wood-Garcia     Why have legislators decided that it is the responsibility of our youth to learn how to communicate with law enforcement? New Jersey, Texas, and Rhode Island lawmakers have introduced bills that will require “certain students” in grades K-12 to learn how to interact with police officers more effectively.

         Parents teach infants to communicate from birth through a series of sounds, body language and facial expressions. Parents have to learn what each of these signals means because children do not come with handbooks. As the communication skills of each child builds, parents can ascertain when a child is happy, sad, or cranky, etc. As children reach their teenage years, they begin to communicate a little differently; they start to assert their independence a lot more. This may result in them becoming more assertive and/or aggressive in their tone of voice and body language. Some children speak in slang and will say things that will not make sense to adults at all. As parents, sometimes we have to stop and ask our children, “ Who are you, and what have you done with my child?”

         This change in communication style does not give one the green light to go upside their child’s head. If a mom beats her child senseless with a billy club because the child’s tone of voice or body language is aggressive, that mom is going to jail. If a mom shoots her child to death because her child is acting and speaking irrationally, that mom is going to be charged with murder and will NOT get to take administrative leave from her job. If a primary caregiver becomes abusive toward a child and hurts or kills him, the responsibility does not fall on the child; the primary caregiver will be the one in court and ultimately, in prison. So, why are children being tasked with the responsibility to take and pass classes that will teach them how to properly communicate with law enforcement? Furthermore, why aren’t law enforcement officers being tasked with more responsibility, as there is proof that they are a huge part of the communication problem? Shouldn’t police be required to take child development classes, child psychology classes, in-depth diversity training with required continuing education units every year? Lawmakers seem to be overlooking this huge elephant in the room as they champion this legislation.

         The state of New Jersey is working feverently to get a bill passed that will require school-aged children to be educated on how to behave while interacting with law enforcement. Bill A114, The Police Respectability Act, was passed this past June in the New Jersey State Assembly with a 76 to 0 vote. The senate still has to pass it for it to go into effect. In a perfect world, Bill A114 would run parallel with the way law enforcement is supposed to interact with young people, especially young people of color. Unfortunately, there are so many racial disparities that occur during police interactions that a Bill like A114 would put the accountability on an already vulnerable group of people, children of color. Based on a Department of Justice Civil Rights Investigation of the Newark, New Jersey Police Department opened in May of 2011 and closed in November 2014, there was an immoderate number of unwarranted police interactions by this police department.These interactions have lead to excessive force and discriminatory actions by police. In the executive summary of the investigation’s transcript, it reads, “The NPD’s policing practices have eroded the community’s trust, and the perception of the NPD as an agency with insufficient accountability has undermined the confidence of other Newark criminal justice stakeholders as well...”

         This report goes on to delve into poor internal affairs investigative practices, theft by law enforcement, and other acts against predominantly Black citizens. There are reports similar to this in other cities in the State of New Jersey, as well as throughout the states of Texas and Rhode Island. The governor of Texas has signed Senate Bill 30 into legislation. This bill requires “certain high school students” to take classes to learn to interact with police, and it requires cops to take training in civilian interaction. Even if cops are trained in civilian interaction, as this bill would require, what good is the training if when they don’t adhere to it, they are not brought to justice? Are legislators cleaning up years of collateral damage from civil rights investigations of police departments and flipping the blame back onto a people who have been oppressed for years? It makes one wonder.

         State Assemblyperson Sheila Oliver, who sponsored the New Jersey bill, says it is not designed to place blame on children but to prepare them. You have to question for what exactly is New Jersey State Assemblyperson suggesting that our youth be prepared? When we see police shootings of Black men and women -- all over the media -- who were compliant with every order issued by law enforcement during an interaction, we know that there is no preparation that can be done. Whether we comply or not, the tone of the interaction depends on the cop.

         Some are speaking out against this bill.  New Jersey school teacher, Zellie Imani, told NBC News that he felt the bill promotes “victim-blaming.” Laila Aiziz, activist and member of the MOBB United for Social Change (MUSC) Policy Committee, rebuked the bill. “As a mother, I personally need to teach my sons to interact with the police because of the way the police will interact with my sons. It is a shame that at 10 years old, Black boys are perceived as a threat to society. Because of this, our sons are treated like public enemy number one by law enforcement. The primary thing that needs to happen is legislative change in police departments. Police training happens too quickly, and that is a problem. They want children from K-12 to learn how to interact with law enforcement. That is a great deal of training throughout a child’s school aged years. Police officers should be held to the same standard.”

         Police officers have to be held accountable for their actions for law enforcement to be effective. Bills like A114 place a lot of responsibility on young people who are just learning to communicate effectively and think critically. It implies that the onus of police brutality is on children rather than adult police officers who freely chose their professions. Proper training for law enforcement is what should be legislated.

  • MOBB United for Social Change Call Center Update

    By Laila Aziz

    Laila Aziz

          In July, MOBB United for Social Change's (MUSC) Rapid Response team worked on a myriad of local, state and national issues. MUSC Founder Depelsha McGruder's open letter to President Donald Trump was the highlight of the month for the Call Center. In July, during a speech to Long Island police officers, President Trump gave permission to officers to brutalize handcuffed suspects. We helped the Founder craft the open letter, demanding that the President retract his statement.

         In her subsequent call to action for federal legislatures, McGruder summarizes moms’ fears for our sons eloquently. The letter, representing all moms of Black sons, is a demand for humanity and the same constitutional rights afforded to all.

    "We understand that police officers have a tough job. They face many dangerous situations. It’s not a job for the faint of heart, and we pray for them to make it home safely every night, along with our prayers for our sons. But it is also not a job for the angry, the recklessly violent, the easily startled, the lawless or those with a depraved heart. We call on all police officers to speak up, to stand up, to right wrongs and to firmly reject this message of brutality."

         The letter was followed by a call to action encouraging members to contact their representatives and asking them to speak out against the President’s careless and dangerous remarks.

        The Calls Center’s Rapid Response Team stays busy; the current events in this volatile American climate of racism demand it. There is no time to lose, and we need additional volunteers to make calls. If you are interested in making calls regularly, please send an email to [email protected]. Stay tuned for updates.

  • The Chris Gunther Show - November 2023


    Kimberley Alexander Opens Up About The Importance of M.O.B.B.

    Kimberley Alexander, Executive Director of M.O.B.B. (Moms Of Black Boys United) caught up with Chris to discuss the importance of the organization and their upcoming podcast!

    Watch Video

  • Everything Urban ( - November 2023

    Kimberley R. Alexander Named Executive Director of M.O.B.B. United, Inc. and MOBB United for Social Change (MUSC)

    Moms of Black Boys United, Inc. (M.O.B.B. United), and M.O.B.B. United for Social Change, Inc. (MUSC), sister advocacy and support organizations dedicated to reshaping societal perceptions and policies concerning Black boys and men, has announced the appointment of Kimberley R. Alexander as its new Executive Director.

    Read Article

  • Statement to the Council of the District of Columbia Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety

    Council of the District of Columbia
    Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety
    November 29, 2023

    On behalf of Moms of Black Boys (M.O.B.B.) United, Inc. I stand before you as the DC Chapter Lead for M.O.B.B. United and MOBB United for Social Change (MUSC). We are a movement of concerned mothers who have joined together to uplift and protect Black boys and men. We represent every race, age, socioeconomic background, marital status and education level.

    MOBB United was founded in July of 2016 after the back-to-back murders of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile on July 5th and 6th. Philando Castile was murdered during a traffic stop on a Facebook Live feed, while many of us watched in horror, as the passenger in the car went live to record the aftermath.

    The officer involved discharged his firearm seven (7) times at close range. Five (5) of those shots hit Philando Castile and took his life. It was the cell phone video, the advocacy of the Castile Family and the community unity that ultimately led to the release of the police dash cam video. Both videos were paramount in unearthing the facts throughout the investigation.

    I am here today, also, as a Black and Blue Mom who has a unique multidimensional perspective as it relates to body worn cameras, community unity, and fostering a proactive dialogue as we strive to serve our DC residents. Transparency and accountability are NON-NEGOTIABLE.

    Read more
  • published Policy and Advocacy Committee Progress in Cause (c4) 2023-12-03 10:35:11 -0600

    Policy and Advocacy Committee Progress

    By Delicia Hand and Frankie Robertson

    Delicia Hand    The MOBB United for Social Change (MUSC) Policy and Advocacy Committee sets the strategic policy priorities and drives advocacy initiatives for the organization. As a committee, we set MUSC’s policy agenda, research policies that impact Black men and boys, identify opportunities to advocate on behalf of our sons, and guide MUSC’s approach and responses to instances where Black men and boys have been victims of unjustified force and violence by police.



        This summer, the committee continued its work of developing strategy and content for many different calls to action. Some calls to action served to bring awareness to incidents around the country where Black men and boys were subjected to excessive force when interacting with police and to demand swift and transparent action to bring officers to justice. These calls to action included: Carteret, NJ; Lansing, IL, and San Diego, CA.


        Other calls to action served to move forward our state legislative campaign, which we launched this Spring. As the legislative season winds down in most state houses, we have continued to focus on states with longer legislative sessions, such as CA. There we continue to support Senate Bill 10 (to change the bail system), which is being considered by the CA Assembly. We have issued a call to action for members to contact representatives who voted against the measure previously.


        This summer, the committee has focused on outreach and developing relationships with key stakeholders -- peer organizations, national policymakers, and social justice press. Specifically we have revitalized #MOBBUnitedGetInvolved, as we have encouraged members to reach out to Congressional representatives to request in district recess meetings in August and have attended town hall meetings. Meetings thus far have included those with representatives Cedric Richmond, Representative Elijah Cummings, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Senator Kamala Harris, and Representative Gwen Moore. (Also, we have meetings planned with representative Karen Bass and are securing meetings with representatives Anthony Brown, Al Green, David Scott, Sheila Jackson Lee, Hank Johnson, G.K. Butterfield, and Frederica Wilson.)


    Olivette Greetn Temple, Representative Cedric Richmond, Frankie Robertson
    Olivette Green Temple (left), Representative Cedric Richmond (center), and

    Frankie Robertson (right)


    Frankie Robertson and Olivette Green Temple
    Frankie Robertson (left) and
    Olivette Green Temple


        In these meetings, we have introduced MUSC and shared with them how our sister organization, Moms of Black Boys United, Inc., can be a resource to them and their constituents and how MUSC serves as a voice to improve policies to change outcomes for Black men and boys.


        We have engaged 15 Congressional Representatives; there are 520 who still need to hear from a mom. Do you have a relationship with your Congressional representative or their staff? Would you like to inform them about policies that impact your sons? Reach out to [email protected] to learn how you can represent MUSC at a meeting with your Congressional representative.

        Additionally, committee members have ensured that MUSC has a presence at key legislative conferences and convenings. In early August, MUSC attended the Georgia Black Legislative Conference, and in mid-September, members also will attend the Congressional Black Caucus’ (CBC) Annual Legislative Conference. We also are looking to participate on a panel and are in conversation with CBC staff about this possibility. This Fall, if you would like to attend the CBC with us, contact: [email protected].

        Moving forward, we will pivot from legislative advocacy and outreach this Fall to begin planning for 2018’s legislative and electoral season. We are doing research to organize a policy platform so that we are prepared for the 2018 legislative session. In addition to finding legislation that is aligned to our mission, the platform will allow us to identify and develop legislative proposals proactively. During the electoral season, we plan to educate the membership, ensure that our members and age appropriate sons are registered to vote, work with the membership to get out the vote, and conduct targeted outreach. There are many law enforcement officials -- mayors, district attorneys and sheriffs, among others -- who will be elected next year. They need to know moms all over the country are engaged and will vote. We need YOU for this fight!

        The committee also now houses our Call Center -- a virtual group of moms who make regular calls to law enforcement officials and elected representatives in support of our advocacy actions. Laila Aziz is the new lead of the call center. 

       If you have the drive to seek policy solutions and be an advocate for your son(s), then please join the Policy and Advocacy Committee. If you have a background in law or policy, then the committee especially needs YOU! We meet every other week on Thursdays via conference call at 10 PM EST. For more information contact: [email protected].

        *As members have taken the time to attend congressional town hall meetings in their states and districts, we have asked them to share in the private MOBB United Facebook group what they have done personally to affect change for our Black sons. Communications Director Vanessa McCullers attended Congressman Brad Sherman’s meet and greet at a recent town hall at Lake Balboa Park in her local California area. She shared with him her concerns about the school-to-prison pipeline and bail reform, and they discussed setting up a future meeting. Her post is republished with here with her permission.


        “Stopped by the park to meet Congressman Brad Sherman. We talked for about 8 mins about white supremacy, monetary bail reform, the school-to-prison pipeline oh and this little organization called Moms of Black Boys United for Social Change. We certainly didn't agree in certain areas but I was pleased that he took a moment to talk and showed general concern for most things. My little detour only took 15 mins out of my busy evening. A phone call takes less time, a tweet even less. We MUST raise our voices on a local/state level. That's where it counts! I may not have the right to vote in this country but I'll be damned if my voice isn't heard in other ways.”

    Vanessa McCullers and Senator Brad Sherman
    Vanessa McCullers and
    Congressman Brad Sherman



    Tammy Greer Brown, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand's Staffer, MUSC Founder Depelsha McGruder

    Tammy Greer (left),
    a Senator Kirsten Gillibrand staffer, and
    MUSC Founder Depelsha McGruder
    lobbying on behalf of our sons at the office of Senator Gillibrand (D-NY)


        Also, Patty Garrett attended a town hall meeting in Fulton County, Georgia with Senator Johnny Isakson (R-GA) at Kennesaw State, a local university. She explained what MOBB United is all about, expressed her concerns for her son and all Black boys and men, and questioned his support of de-escalation training for law enforcement. Patty also attended a town hall meeting with Representative John Lewis (D-GA).


    Patty Garrett and Representative John Lewis
    Patty Garrett and
    Representative John Lewis


  • MOBB United for Social Change Policy Committee Progress

    by Marijke Annis

    Marijke Annis     The MOBB United for Social Change MUSC) Policy Committee drives advocacy initiatives for our advocacy arm, MOBB United, Inc.. As a committee, we research policies that impact Black men and boys, identify opportunities to advocate on behalf of our sons, and guide MOBB United's approach and responses to instances where Black men and boys have been victims of unjustified force and violence by police.


         The Policy Committee works closely with our Call Center to mobilize our members to respond to key legislative issues and unjustified use of force by law enforcement.  In response to the murder of Jordan Edwards in Balch Springs, TX, we issued a call to action asking members to demand the arrest and termination of the officer and release of the video evidence to the Edwards family. Thanks in part to the efforts of our Call Center, and all the Moms who contacted Balch Springs and Dallas County officials, the officer was terminated from his position and charged with the crime against Jordan.


         This Spring, the Policy Committee identified key state legislation that would benefit our Black men and boys and worked with local members on passage of that legislation. In Louisiana, local member Frankie Robertson, (a member of the Policy Committee), worked with other members and with local organizations to secure passage of a Criminal Justice Reform package that included increased training requirements for law enforcement officers; expanded eligibility for alternatives to incarceration; streamlined the parole release process for nonviolent offenders; focused prison space for serious and violent offenders; some lowered mandatory minimum sentences as well as provisions to reduce re-offenses and improve re-entry processes.  

         In Texas, the Policy Committee worked with local members to pass the Sandra Bland Act, which included diversion to mental health facilities when a person in custody shows signs of mental duress, use of eye sensor technology to ensure safety of individuals in county jails, and de-escalation training for all Texas law enforcement officers.

    In California, MOBB United for Social Change continues to support Senate Bill 10, which seeks to eliminate money bail. CA Senate passed their version of the bill, and the Assembly moved it out of committee on July 12th. We will continue to monitor this legislation as it moves through the Assembly.

         The Policy Committee, in partnership with the Call Center, local MOBB United members and other advocacy groups, successfully pushed for Raise the Age legislation in New York. Governor Cuomo signed the legislation on April 10, 2017, resulting in 16- and 17-year-olds charged with misdemeanors being handled in Family rather than Criminal Court and no longer allowing 17-year-olds to be held in county jails like Rikers Island. We believe this is a significant step forward in safeguarding our sons in the state of New York.

         Moving forward, we are also focusing on developing relationships with other critical groups that will help further our mission. We are seeking meetings with key Congressional and State legislators to educate them on MOBB United for Social Change and to explore how to partner with them. We have also identified other advocacy groups with similar missions and are reaching out to forge new partnerships with them to help drive policy change.

         There are many subcommittees that drive our work and that would welcome your participation. Our Policy Updates subcommittee drives our research, to make sure we are always aware of the latest developments. Our Policy Message subcommittee ensures that we develop the most compelling, data-driven arguments and messaging to support our advocacy efforts. Finally, our Policy Strategy subcommittee ensures that we create and leverage the right opportunities to impact policies and successfully advocate for our sons.



         Our efforts to advocate for better policies for our sons have only just begun. There are opportunities to change laws and policies at the local level by voting in new mayors, district attorneys and sheriffs who embrace improving law enforcement policies and practices or supporting critical state legislation that protects our sons. To do this, we need local mobilization from our members. We need YOU for this fight!


         If you have the drive to seek policy solutions and be an advocate for your son(s), then please join the Policy Committee. If you have a background in law or policy, then the Policy Committee especially needs YOU! We meet every other week on Thursdays via conference call at 10 PM EST. For more information contact: [email protected].


  • published Black Maternal Trauma - Part 1 in Cause (c4) 2023-12-03 10:13:56 -0600

    Black Maternal Trauma - Part 1

    By Uchechi Eke

    Uchechi Eke

    The Facts

    • 581 people have been killed by the police in 2017 so far.

    • 25% (a quarter) or 145 of those killed in 2017, are Black. African-Americans make up just 13% of the population.

    • 309 Black people were killed by the police in 2016.

    • Black people are 3 times more likely to be killed by police than white people.

    • Black people are 7 times more likely to be killed in Oklahoma than Georgia.

    • 19 of the 100 largest U.S. city police departments kill Black men at higher rates than the U.S murder rate.

    • 99% of police involved shootings in 2015 did NOT result in any officer being convicted.

    The Problem

         To coincide with MOBB United’s 1-year anniversary, I was asked to compile a list of unarmed Black boys/men killed by police between July 2016 and July 2017.

         I knew the data existed.

         I knew it would be a daunting and cumbersome task.

         I knew it would resurrect painful memories.

         I never expected my role as a mother to be questioned: “Am I really in a position to protect my son?”

         The Washington Post began tracking all fatal shootings by on-duty police in 2015, in the aftermath of the 2014 shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri.

         Since Brown’s killing, other fatal shootings by police, many captured on video, have fuelled protests and calls for reform. Some police chiefs have taken steps in their departments to address and reduce the number of fatal encounters, yet the overall numbers compared to 2016 remain unchanged.

         I have highlighted a few cases that occurred in the last 12 months below:



         Nothing prepares you for the emotional trauma you experience every time you read the details of a new case. I find myself always caught off guard by the images of the deceased. I am always haunted by the pain that lies behind the eyes of the mother.

         As mothers of Black boys, there should be a limit to our pain. There should come a time when extrajudicial killings are a thing of the past. There should be an upper ceiling, where the number of extrajudicial killings should never reach. But there is no limit. Black bodies are slain almost weekly. And every time we witness a murder, we re-live the trauma.

         The images of unarmed Black boys/men being brutalized by police has become inescapable. The cases above highlight this pandemic. We visualise the victim as being our son(s). Viewing videos of people being gunned down by police is not psychologically healthy. The mental scars that result from witnessing excessive force against Black people creates a form of collective trauma. Police brutality then becomes part of our daily consciousness -- our lived experience -- causing anger, fear, frustration and a sense of hopelessness.

         African-Americans experience Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD) at a higher rate than any other ethnic group, according to a study published in 2010 by PubMed. Repeatedly viewing physical trauma can have other adverse effects often associated with post-traumatic stress, including jumpiness, anxiety and paranoia.

         Another worrying trend, is that almost all victims noted above were unarmed or had a toy weapon. Implicit bias leads many officers to possess an irrational and heightened sense of fear. They see Black males and automatically ‘fear for their lives’. Cops are trained to be calm in hostile environments. As part of their training, de-escalation is the first priority. But in recent incidents, ‘shoot on sight’ seems to be the modus operandi. Even when officers carry militarized weapons, or are accompanied by a SWAT,  they still are incapable of controlling the situation without resorting to deadly force.

         But the question still remains: How can I protect my son?”

         Am I complicit in de-humanising our boys by sharing these graphic images and by researching their deaths?

         Does the utility of these images, circulated on social media and via news channels actually inspire shame, outrage and activism?

         Or do they just desensitize us, exacerbating our pain and further contributing to our psychological trauma?

         Have we become too ‘numb’ to act?

    The Solutions

         Whether we see these killings as being state sanctioned, racially motivated or part of the wider system of white supremacy, the discourse must change -- from a discussion about criminal justice reform, to a debate that results in society viewing this problem as a national health crisis.

         With nominal charges being brought, and without convictions that stick, justice seems out of our reach. Thus, if there is a cultural shift, and the death toll is regarded as a public health issue, affecting not only the immediate family, then maybe we would see a reduction in race-based police violence.

         Our boys must be seen as human first. Not as criminals. Not as a menacing threat. In a significant number of the cases, the victim struggled with a mental illness. They needed medical assistance, not a death sentence.

         The trauma faced by mothers, members of the family and the wider community must be taken into account. Departments cannot continue to use our tax dollars on settlements. They cannot afford to recurrently restore communities after protests and riots. If departmental budgets are reduced, or pensions affected, salaries capped, steep penalties applied (including a rise in insurance premiums for fatal force), or higher conviction rates, then maybe, just maybe, we will begin to see less of our sons dying before our very eyes.

         We know ‘respectability politics’ is flawed and biased. More white boys use drugs, but are not profiled or arrested at higher rates. White boys also wear hoodies and low-slung jeans, but they are not stopped, searched and beaten.

         So what do we tell our sons, and as mothers, what can we do? Here are some solutions:

    • Education & Awareness – Our boys need to be more vigilant, go out in ‘groups’. Many of the cases involved a single boy or man. It is more likely that police would shoot a lone individual, than a group of boys or men. Our sons also need to ‘know their rights’ when confronted with police. They need to know what to ask and how to respond.

    • Community Policing – More Black men and black women need to work on the police forces. Officers should reside in the areas they police. It is less likely that a cop who is acquainted with his neighbours would harm them. We must also make an effort to engage with officers, attend meetings and hold them accountable.

    • Advocacy & Action – More moms need to campaign, fundraise and take part in demonstrations -- from writing letters and signing petitions, to calling local police departments and attending rallies, to being visible at public consultations, meetings and hearings – it all helps the cause!

    • Political Engagement -– Representation matters -- from the cop on the street to the judge in the courtroom. We need to be occupying all positions. We also need to vote during all local, state and presidential elections. We need to canvass on behalf of fair officials and chiefs, and root out and vote against the corrupt and indifferent ones.

         Let me know what you think. What else can we do? How do you protect your peace and protect your son?

         Join us on the front lines. We can no longer be witnesses to murder. Silence is complicity. Get involved and register at

  • MOBB United at Essence Woke Mom 2017 Festival

    By Vanessa McCullers

    Moms of Black Boys United (MOBB United) marks the first in a series events to commemorate
    the organization's 1st anniversary, with a debut at the
    2017 Essence Festival. 

        July 4, 2017 (New Orleans) – Moms of Black Boys United (MOBB United) made its first appearance with great impact at the 2017 Essence Festival. Their booth activation in the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center was a hub of activity, attracting moms from all over the country looking for a way to help protect their sons, nephews, brothers and husbands from harsh injustices of police brutality, racial profiling and the school-to-prison pipeline. This activation signified the first major step in a series of events that will commemorate the organization’s first anniversary or “MOBBiversary.” The Essence Festival theme, "Woke Wonderland," provided a perfect fit for the organization, which is currently running a "Woke Mom" campaign to identify their members who are fully aware and ready to address the issues that face the men in their lives. "Being at the Essence Festival for the first time to spread the mission of MOBB United was an amazing experience. I met women from all over the globe who personally  connect to our message of protecting our sons. The spirit of sisterhood and empowerment was invigorating and inspiring,” shared Founder Depelsha McGruder.

         Please enjoy this video of that monumental event. You’ll also find the full post-event press release attached, including some wonderful details and photo.

  • published MOBB United for Social Change Call Center in Cause (c4) 2023-12-03 09:49:21 -0600

    MOBB United for Social Change Call Center

    By Laila Aziz

    Crys Baldwin, Chair of Events and Demonstrations
    Crys Baldwin
    Chair of Events and Demonstrations

         When I joined the MOBB United Call Center, the first thing I realized was the passion and motivation of Crys Baldwin, Chair of Events and Demonstrations Crys Baldwin. I bet that will be one of the first things any new Call Center team member will notice, too; Crys’ passion is hard to miss! 

         Crys has named our call center the Gladiators; the fearless 300 ready to fight relentlessly for our sons. Instead of swords, our weaponry of choice is smart mobile devices, emails, and landlines. We navigate expertly through the battlefield, a tangible force based on Crys’ vision. We are sometimes fondly known as “The Mighty Rapid Response Team,” a virtual army of moms who are spread throughout the nation. 

         My introduction to the Call Center was swift and effective. I found myself commenting on a post on the MOBB United Facebook page; I was outraged by the inhumane treatment of young Black men. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. In response to my comment, I received a notification and a link to, with a comment from Crys Baldwin saying, “Join us in our Call Center, become a member of MOBB United and make a change. 

         I was curious but also overwhelmed by life. I clicked the link provided and created a guest account. I was not ready to fully commit. To my surprise, within 24 hours I found myself on the telephone with Crys receiving an orientation to the Call Center. This is a forum Crys leads where she works marvels behind the scenes with her dedicated team of moms. Crys utilizes Servant Leadership, and she marches with us moms, challenging us to fight for our sons. Servant Leadership is a performance driven, reverse hierarchical approach where employees or workers are valued. Crys exemplifies this, working as hard as her team and often working for her team and pulling out the best in each of us. We each do a little, in organized and intentional ways, to challenge a system that seems determined to dehumanize our curly-haired legacies. 

         My orientation conversation with Crys was relaxed but informative; she provided her vision, which ultimately is a team of moms working in a fully-staffed call center. We know our targets, and our mobilization efforts are accurate. We are multi-pronged in our approach -- contacting mayors, police chiefs, district attorneys and government officials. We are ‘on the ground’ working with families when a crisis happens in our respective cities. “Five minutes, 2 calls, ladies; 5 minutes 2 calls is all I ask,” Crys states. 

         This work can make you weary sometimes, but Crys will ‘pick you up’ when you are tired; she will pray with you, and she will challenge you to take on leadership. She is both motivational and inspirational. She coached us through calling legislatures to ensure that the Sandra Bland Act in Texas passed. Crys hurdled obstacles with us as we demanded sentencing reform in Louisiana, the state with the highest incarceration rate. Under her leadership, we have demanded justice for Jordan Edwards, the Michigan 5, Jayson Negron and Darius Smith. She will push you to join the movement, often proclaiming “The Revolution Ain't Free!”      

         Crys will tell you about Gabriel, her miracle, and why she fights like she does for our sons. Using her gifts, Crys will give you a space, a purpose and the means to create a better world for our boys and young men.

         After spending 5 minutes of my lunch break making a few calls, I feel empowered. When I go home after helping with the Call Center, I tuck my twins into bed and watch them as they sleep. But now, for the first time, after watching the news or reading my Facebook timeline, my terror has subsided. I no longer feel powerless. I am a MOBB.

         Join the Call Center and rally with us for change so that you, too, can feel frustrated and powerless no longer. To join, contact Crys Baldwin, Chair of Events and Demonstrations, at [email protected].

  • Baton Rouge, LA Chapter: Busy MOBB United Moms!

    Frankie Robertson


    By Frankie Robertson


              Did you know that Moms of Black Boys United, Inc. (MOBB United) has chapters in various cities across the country? We have sons in every city. Wherever we have sons, we get busy with our advocacy. Advocacy is the biggest part of being a member of MOBB United, and it allows us to achieve pertinent and urgent changes throughout the country. Our MOBB United for Social Change Baton Rouge, LA Chapter has been especially busy advocating, which is much needed because Louisiana has the highest rate of incarceration in the WORLD.  


              Like the Baton Rouge moms, you can BE about the business of protecting our sons. Every member of MOBB United can do grassroots work like this chapter has done to be directly involved in MOBB United’s mission (influence policy, change perception, demonstrate our power, partner strategically, and promote self-care). We all can help protect our sons by:


    - Responding to MOBB United for Social Change action alerts.

    - Participating in MOBB United Saturday national calls.

    - Sharing the MOBB United for Social Change Facebook page and inviting friends to like the page.




    - Attending regular community meetings related to police reform.

    - Attending Metro Council meetings when the agenda includes police reform measures.

    - Attending legislative committee hearings addressing the need for police reform measures in advance of the 2017 legislative session.

    - Attending legislative committee meetings addressing criminal justice reform and prison alternatives, as well as the subsequent bill signing.

    CRJ Bill Signing

    - Attending the Louisiana Public Broadcasting televised Town Hall meeting, “The Black and The Blue” addressing stressed interactions between the black community and law enforcement.

    - Attending a viewing and panel discussion of documentary 13th, by Ava DuVernay.

    - Attending a viewing of the documentary “I Am Not Your Negro”, directed by Raul Peck, based on James Baldwin's unfinished manuscript.

    - Attending Governor John Bel Edwards Joint Address of the Louisiana Legislature for the convening of the 2017 Legislative Session.

    - Attending weekly Louisianans for Prison Alternatives coalition weekly coalition conference calls and in person strategy sessions to plan lobby day and track legislation.

    - Attending the release of the Justice Reinvestment Task Force Recommendations and Press Conference at the State Capitol.

    - Attending Q&A “Gov Talks” session hosted by Governor John Bel Edwards to have Q&A with members of the Justice Reinvestment Task force regarding the group’s criminal justice reform recommendations.




    Participating in:

    - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Day of Service.

    - The Women’s March of New Orleans (public event details).

    - A televised Louisiana Public Broadcasting Town Hall meeting regarding the November 2016 elections and bringing mass incarceration concerns to the forefront.

    - The Louisianans for Prison Alternatives Coalition overall work and Lobby Day related to criminal justice reform in LA.



    - Working with like-minded organizations addressing disparities for African-American males. Organizations include Urban Congress on African American Males and most recently, Progressive Social Network of Baton Rouge.

    - Livestream of LPA lobby day activities.

    - Met with State Representative Ted James and Councilman Lamont Cole to introduce to MOBB United and MOBB United for Social Change. We also discussed opportunities for policy recommendations and bills to address police reform and institutional racism in Baton Rouge and across the state.

    - Hosted first Meet & Greet on May 6.


    MOBB United applauds the Baton Rouge Chapter’s efforts. Keep up the great work!


  • published MOBB United Policy Committee Overview in Cause (c4) 2023-12-03 08:15:16 -0600

    MOBB United Policy Committee Overview

    Delicia Hand

    By Delicia Hand


             Before I became a mother, I always admired the ability of moms -- of Black and brown boys in particular -- to keep focused and remain calm and positive in the multitude of adverse situations they and their sons encountered.  When I'd hear my sisters, cousins and friends talk about the challenges they faced in the educational system, or hear my older nephews talk about their interactions with law enforcement officials, I would become infuriated to the core. "Never my child," I would say.  Or “These people are going to have to kill me if I ever have a son." I had no idea how these moms, in the face of such adversities, could manage to be constructive and fight calmly for their sons. Now that fight is my fight; their sons are my sons. 

             So, in the Fall of 2014 -- just a few months after Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson, Missouri -- when the country was still brimming with debate and heated tensions, and merely days after Tamir Rice was gunned down in his neighborhood park -- I learned that I was expecting a child. A few months later, scans confirmed I was having a boy; instead of joy, I felt fear, anxiety, and disappointment. On one hand, I was grateful to be able to carry a successful pregnancy to term. On the other hand, I realized that I would now bring into the world someone whom I would love with my entire being but still be incapable of shielding from the world and how he might be perceived. Before he even came into the world, race mattered. I feared for his life and felt powerless. This is how my journey into motherhood began. 

             When my son Lucian was born, as instance after instance of continued police violence against Black men and boys continued to fill the headlines and social media, I was overcome with rage and heartache. This was the world I had brought my child into.  Something had to change; I wracked my brain. I'd spent my career in policy and politics; so activism and engagement on an issue wasn't new.  I'm an attorney; I'd worked on Capitol Hill, I'd testified before Congress on policy issues, I've represented consumers on complex issues; but felt powerless to help my own child. Where law school and my career had taught me the skill of dispassionate engagement, there was no way to be dispassionate about my son. I had never had so deep a personal connection to something that it was simultaneously paralyzing as it was motivating. Although I knew how to address the issues I was observing, none of the groups and communities of which I was a part addressed the unique emotional distress and burden of raising a Black son, nor did they provide tools and resources to equip mothers to improve the policies affecting their sons. I joined local moms groups and Mocha Moms hoping to find support among other moms, particularly moms of color and moms of Black sons. But, there was no space for these issues. 

             Like an answer to a prayer, at the end of the same week of Alton Sterling's and Philando Castile's deaths, a friend added me to the Moms of Black Boys United, Inc. (MOBBU) Facebook group. It was a relief to be amongst -- albeit virtually -- other mothers to whom I felt connected instantly. They would understand my fears and anxiety, but they also would understand the urgency of this current and every future moment. I plugged in immediately; I joined calls. And when the group began to form issue committees, I joined the Policy Committee and Organizational Development committee. I didn't really care in what capacity I joined. I wanted to be a part of the conversation, and I wanted to use my skills to help in anyway possible. Suddenly, the appreciation that this journey wasn't just about my son, but all of our sons, was empowering and motivating. 

             I'm currently chair of our Policy Committee, which primarily drives advocacy initiatives for our sister organization, MOBB United for Social Change. As a committee, we research policies that impact Black men and boys, identify opportunities to advocate on behalf of our sons, and guide MOBB United's responses to and approach in instances where Black men and boys have been victims of unjustified force and violence by police. 

             In the 9 months since the organization’s founding, the Policy committee has helped to:    

                   - Facilitate MOBB United's participation in the Congressional Black Caucus's (CBC) Annual Legislative Conference.

                   - Drive a down ballot voter education campaign.

                   - Encourage MOBB United moms’ participation in state advocacy initiatives.

                   - Administered several calls to action, encouraging moms to reach out to local, state, and federal elected officials.

                   - Meet with state and federal legislators to advocate for better policies for our sons.

             We've only just begun. This year, we are focused on developing relationships with key Congressional and State legislators, forging partnerships with organizations that share similar goals and missions. We need you and your energy for the fight!

             If you have a background in law or policy, join the committee! If you have passion and energy to seek out policy solutions and be an advocate for your son, join us! We have a few subcommittees that drive our work. Our Policy Updates subcommittee drives our research, so we always are aware of latest developments. Our Policy Message subcommittee ensures that we develop the most compelling, data-driven arguments and messaging to drive our advocacy efforts. Finally, our Policy Strategy subcommittee ensures that we create and leverage the right opportunities to impact policies and successful advocate for our sons.

             We meet every other week at 10 PM EST. For more information contact: [email protected].


               *Congratulations to Delicia Hand, who delivered her second son, Theodore Nigel Hand, on June 13, 2017.*


  • published #ProtectThem Louder in Cause (c4) 2023-12-03 07:39:42 -0600

    #ProtectThem Louder


    Pamela Wood-Garcia

    By Pamela Wood-Garcia


              As Moms of Black boys and men, we all know that our sons experience a plethora of injustices. The greatest of these injustices is untimely, unwarranted deaths at the hands of law enforcement. These incidents have taken place for hundreds of years with little to no accountability. In the last several years, there has been a heightened awareness of these incidents because social media has served as a periscope to the black community, giving us much clearer insight as to how the judicial system allows police officers literally to get away with murder. By now, we all have witnessed the cold-blooded killing of Black men and boys caught on the camera phones of bystanders and uploaded to social media. Even a few murders have been streamed live on Facebook while the world watched.


               Question: Are we protecting them “loud” enough?


               During President Barack Obama’s administration, there was a constant influx of information about these unjustified murders circulating on social and mainstream media. The information was so moving that it served as the catalyst for Moms of Black Boys United, Inc. (MOBB United) to be formed. But suddenly, it seems as if the attention to our sons’ plight is being overshadowed by other headlines. News stories abound now of attacks on immigrants and the torching of synagogues and mosques. What? No word on the brother who was murdered by police last month in Tennessee? He streamed his own murder live on Facebook! No word on the three 15-year-old Black boys murdered in Texas, Connecticut, and California by cops? The media gave a vague overview of each incident and chucked them. It is as if we are expected to move about like the murders of Black boys and men have magically disappeared. Yeah, right…not in America and certainly not during the current presidential administration.


               President Donald Trump’s campaign promised to build a ”tremendous wall” to keep Mexican immigrants -- to whom he referred as rapists, drug dealers, and thieves -- out of the United States. He also swore to place a ban on Muslim refugees to keep them from entering the country so acts of terrorism could not be committed on American soil. He topped off all of his campaign promises with anti-semitic remarks and appointees. Since Trump was elected, there has been an increase in hate crimes towards these groups of people. These incidents deserve the ample attention they are getting in the media, but there once was the same kind of media spotlight on law enforcement murdering Black boys and men. Where did that push go? The world still needs to be informed when an innocent man is demonized and executed for his Blackness. We, as a people, still need to be seen and heard on these issues. This blog is not being written to downplay the social injustices that happen in non-Black communities but to let people know that the killings of Black boys and men are still taking place! MOBB United is stepping up -- more than 175k moms strong -- to carry out this mission.


               MOBB United was formed as a light in the midst of the darkness surrounding the slayings of Philando Castille and Alton Sterling. They both were killed by law enforcement within 24 hours of one another during what should have been routine stops. Neither man was brandishing a weapon nor using any kind of derogatory or threatening language. Neither man resisted any of the police officers’ commands. Philando’s four-year-old daughter and girlfriend witnessed his murder in a car while Alton’s community watched his murder in front of a store. The harshest reality of the deaths of these men is that there may never be any justice served for either of them. Philando’s killer was acquitted of all charges on June 16, 2017. Only God knows what will happen in Alton’s case. Most likely, more of the same blatant injustice.The cases would have been tried with convictions if the tables were turned. If a cop was shot in his chest at point blank range by two Black men holding him down on the ground, the two Black men would be dead or in prison awaiting execution. If a Black man had shot a white cop through a car window in front of his four-year-old child and girlfriend, he would have been hunted down and killed or put in prison for the rest of his life. No one would be considering their actions self-defense.  


               Alton and Philando were loving human beings executed like rabid animals. Alton’s execution was caught on camera and uploaded to the internet while Philando’s was streamed live by his girlfriend. The next day, MOBB United’s founder, Depelsha McGruder, started a Facebook group called Moms Of Black Boys. Her first post read, “I am starting this group because I don’t know what else to do.”  She added 30 other moms of Black boys. Those moms could relate to her raw emotion and they added other moms with Black sons whom they knew would relate to  Depelsha’s post. Out of this, MOBB United was formed. Since its founding, there have been at least 20 more Black men and boys killed during interactions with police officers, but the media has largely turned its attention elsewhere, towards the hatred we are seeing directed at other groups. However, there is a profound difference between hate crimes committed by HATE groups and what amounts to hate crimes committed by law enforcement. Police officers have taken an oath to protect and serve every citizen in their jurisdiction. They represent the law, the state. Yet they murder Black men and boys for flinching during routine traffic stops? They murder people with mental illnesses who are in distress? They murder our sons because they know it is a crime that almost anybody with a gun and a badge can commit without consequence. What can be done to put an end to these senseless crimes? MOBB United is on the right track.


               MOBB United’s mission is fundamental to the goal of protecting our sons and eradicating these killings: to provide information and support for moms of Black sons and promote positive images of Black boys and men; to influence policy impacting how Black boys and men are treated and perceived by law enforcement and society.  MOBB United stands on five pillars that are to change the perception that the world has of Black men and boys; influence legislative policy; demonstrate collective political, and economic power within the communities that we serve; strategically partner with organizations that can assist MOBB United in carrying out its mission; and to promote self-care for moms of boys and their families. This begins and ends at home with moms.


               As moms, it is our responsibility to make sure our sons understand how the world sees them. Perception is nine-tenths of a person’s reality. Research shows that 10-year-old Black boys are perceived as a threat to the rest of society and many people fear them. Our sons need to be made aware of this. This is not to stifle who they are but to raise their awareness as we parent to create good character, healthy self-images, and healthy interactions. Knowledge of self is imperative to creating these qualities. This means teaching them that there is greatness in African-American history and culture. This also means teaching them that they are a reflection of that history and culture, and they can achieve anything to which they put their minds. As MOBB United travails to change the perception that the world has of our beautiful sons, MOBB United for Social Change is calling, writing, and meeting with local, state, and federal officials in droves to influence change in legislative policy and to ensure that once change has occurred, it is enforced to the fullest extent of the law. Demonstrating our collective economic and political power, changing perception of our men and boys, and influencing policy and legislation won’t bring back any of our beloved Black men or boys, but it will save lives in the future. It will make a police officer think twice before he or she decides to use lethal force or even racially profile a Black male. It will let moms of Black boys and men all over the world know that somebody is standing in the trenches working, fighting, and praying for them.


               MOBB United’s action pays homage to the memory of the fallen. It lets the world know that victims, including Trayvon Martin, Freddie Gray, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, Mario Woods, Newman Demarco, Alfred Olango, Jason King, Levonia Riggins, Reginald Thomas Jr., Terrance Coleman, George Meyers, Philando Castille, Alton Sterling, Jayson Negron, Darius Smith, Jordan Edwards, Terence Crutcher, Alfred Olango, as well as so many others like them nationwide and even worldwide, were important human beings whose lives had great value. Their lives and deaths sparked the mother of all movements. MOBB United is here to defend, protect, and advocate for our Black boys and men. We are here to fight; we are here to win; we here for our sons.


              Let's protect them LOUDER.



  • published Cause (c4) in Early Days 2023-12-03 07:39:13 -0600

    Cause (c4)

    Policy and Advocacy Committee Progress
    Posted by · February 04, 2024 9:22 AM

    Get Up, Get Out, and Cast Your Ballot
    Posted by · November 02, 2020 8:55 AM

    MOBB United for Social Change Call Center Update
    Posted by · December 31, 2019 8:44 AM

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