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MOBB United at Essence Woke Mom 2017 Festival

By Vanessa McCullers

Moms of Black Boys United (MOBB United) marks the first in a series events to commemorate
the organization's 1st anniversary, with a debut at the
2017 Essence Festival. 

    July 4, 2017 (New Orleans) – Moms of Black Boys United (MOBB United) made its first appearance with great impact at the 2017 Essence Festival. Their booth activation in the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center was a hub of activity, attracting moms from all over the country looking for a way to help protect their sons, nephews, brothers and husbands from harsh injustices of police brutality, racial profiling and the school-to-prison pipeline. This activation signified the first major step in a series of events that will commemorate the organization’s first anniversary or “MOBBiversary.” The Essence Festival theme, "Woke Wonderland," provided a perfect fit for the organization, which is currently running a "Woke Mom" campaign to identify their members who are fully aware and ready to address the issues that face the men in their lives. "Being at the Essence Festival for the first time to spread the mission of MOBB United was an amazing experience. I met women from all over the globe who personally  connect to our message of protecting our sons. The spirit of sisterhood and empowerment was invigorating and inspiring,” shared Founder Depelsha McGruder.

     Please enjoy this video of that monumental event. You’ll also find the full post-event press release attached, including some wonderful details and photo.