Survival Tips for my Son
I say to my son–
If a cop ever stops you,
don’t argue,
don’t try to reason,
don’t contradict.
Do nothing.
Say nothing,
except that you have
the right to have your
parents present.
I tell him–
Don’t run.
Never run.
Don’t reach into your pockets.
Don’t try to explain you haven’t
done anything wrong.
(Knowing my son,
that won’t be why they’ll
ever stop him.)
I say to him–
Be polite,
be considerate,
don’t be loud on the train,
be aware of who’s around you.
Know who your friends are,
choose them well,
hold them close,
give what you can,
but remember to take,
I tell my boy,
soon to be a man–
Stand up for yourself,
when you must, but
only when you’re facing a foe, and
never simply because you’re angry.
Throw your punches with words,
and the intent to right wrongs;
use your fists to defend yourself,
Maryam Dilakian