MOBB United is dedicated to eliminating the racial disparity that puts our Black sons at a disadvantage in the areas of education and the criminal justice system. To do this, we promote changing negative perceptions and increasing awareness and understanding of the plight of Black boys and men in America. We enable Moms of Black sons to tell their stories, celebrate their accomplishments, and connect them to opportunities that enrich the lives of their sons.
Moms of Black Boys United, Inc. initiatives are designed to:
- Change negative perceptions and stereotypes of Black males
- Equip Moms with vital information needed to raise strong, successful Black sons
- Promote self-care for the whole family
Current Initiatives
The New Talk: For Moms of Black Boys
In December 2023, M.O.B.B. United debuted our podcast The NEW Talk: For Moms of Black Boys. We are changing the way we talk to our sons; why we talk to our sons; and how we talk about our sons! Our SonShines deserve to grow up without the constant exposure to trauma, especially at home. We are having the broader conversations around life and the liberties all of our families deserve.
We Are Changing the Narrative!
If you are the parent of a Black boy, you know what THE TALK is. You also know what it feels like to see the innocence of childhood dimmed in the eyes of your SonShine, as you have that talk. But that is not all we are talking about! THE NEW TALK is educating, enlightening, and sharing information to bridge the gap between all communities.
THE NEW TALK is for every member of the family as we are stronger together. The way we strengthen community is to join community in the solutions.
Tune in on the M.O.B.B. United LinkedIn, Facebook, Spotify, or YouTube pages to see previously aired episodes and catch all of our new content!
Le^el Up The V*te
Our democratic process depends on us! The memoir of America tells the tale of how we had to fight for our right to vote, to exercise our right to vote, and all the ways this country has attempted to strip us of our right to vote. M.O.B.B. United knows all the reasons to be discouraged about participating in the voting process, but we must!
Le^el Up The V*te, MOBB United's voter education campaign is geared towards providing the educational resources needed to make an informed decision at the ballot box. The Le^el Up The V*te campaign will focus on all levels of the election process and how they impact our community directly. We need to be involved in state, city, and county elections if we want to affect change for our SonShines.
Let's Le^el Up The V*te today!
Protect 'em Campaign
The #ProtectEm campaign, initially launched as the #ProtectThem campaign, was one of the first actions taken by the organization in 2016, born of the frustration and urgent cries of Moms everywhere who were afraid for their son's safety in the hands of law enforcement. The country was still reeling from the collective trauma of witnessing online the brutal treatment of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, followed by countless others. This social media imagery campaign quickly became a key initiative and cornerstone of the MOBB United mission.The intent is to flood the internet with positive images of Black boys and men; to soften them visually and underscore the reality that Black boys are not a monolith. We want to change the unfair narrative that our boys and men are inherently violent and lack boundaries. Our Black boys have to navigate life in the face of a world that devalues them; they work hard in school, play sports, have friends of all races, and have goals to become high school and college graduates and live productive lives. We want the world to see them the way their Mothers see them from birth - a precious life that deserves love and protection from harm.Since the inception of this campaign, we have used this ideology and hashtag across all our platforms to drive this message out to the masses in hopes that it will accomplish the very thing that MOBB United was founded upon; to change the perception of young Black males in society.
Check out this #Protectem video!
Half of the 250 Kids Expelled from Preschool Each Day Are Black Boys.
From the moment a Black boy is born, he enters a pipeline with a predetermined trajectory that often ends with being incarcerated. The School to Prison Pipeline is a real thing and it starts with a lack of GRACE for the SonShines we raise. History says making mistakes as a Black boy or man can be catastrophic at almost any age.
M.O.B.B. United is tired of telling the story that ends with the disproportionate suspension, expulsion, and incarceration of our sons. ALL of our SonShines deserve GRACE, UNDERSTANDING, & LOVE. They deserve the opportunity to grow from mistakes rather than receive the harsh punishments the currently receive.
The Grace Campaign
The GRACE Campaign is M.O.B.B. United's newest Changing Perceptions initiative. We will be telling the stories of redemption and personal growth, despite the struggles our SonShines may have experienced. We want to demonstrate how providing support, love, compassion, and understanding while redirecting negative behavior can lead to outcomes that keep our SonShines at home, rather than the penal system. Our children can succeed and M.O.B.B. United wants to extend the GRACE they need to do so!