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Legislation Action Alert - Louisiana Justice

MOBB United Action in SUPPORT of Louisiana Justice Reinvestment


Background: MOBB United for Social Change has partnered with Louisianans for Prison Alternatives (LPA) to advocate for a criminal justice reform package to overhaul Louisiana's draconian criminal justice laws.   Louisiana, also known as the incarceration capital of the world, has some of the worst and most stringent criminal and penal policies in the country; all of which disproportionately impact black men and black boys.  


With less than one week remaining in the 2017 Louisiana legislative session, thanks to you, we have ten criminal justice reform bills one step closer to passage.  This week was not the easiest, but we made it through.  We must now push those bills one step closer to the governor's desk.


The Big Three -  Senate bills 139, 220, 221, will be debated on the House floor on Monday, June 5. The House convenes at 3pm.  We ask that MOBBs plan to be present and/or call/email your state representative beginning this weekend and ask them to vote yes on SBs 139, 220 and 221. It is ok to leave messages. Please ask your friends and networks to do the same.  


Louisiana MOBB - find your legislator here:




We really need to reach ALL the house members - here is the complete list.


Call Script / guidelines:

  • Be kind.
  • Be brief.
  • Keep it simple.

When you call, ask if you can speak with the state representative. If not, feel free to leave a message with their staff. In either case, introduce yourself and say your name, tell them where you live, and then briefly say that criminal justice reform is important to you because one (or several – but remember to keep it brief) of the following reasons:

  • you are personally affected - you are a member of MOBB United for Social Change and a mother of a black boy, 6 times likely to be impacted by the state's draconian criminal and penal code;
  • you are ashamed of Louisiana’s practices;
  • you believe we are wasting too much taxpayer money that could be used for other services;
  • you do not believe the approach we use has made us any safer and MOBB United for Social Change will hold them accountable to ensure that they protect our sons;
    or if you have another motivation, please share that.
  • DON'T FORGET - Louisiana needs to do this now; not tomorrow!