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Rapid Response Alert - Kenosha, WI

Jacob Blake---Kenosha WI


One week ago, our hearts broke again as we watched yet another Black man be gunned down by a trigger happy police officer with no regard for Black life. Police were called to a neighborhood in Kenosha, Wisconsin due to a domestic dispute. At some point, police encountered Jacob Blake who had just broken up a fight between two women in the community. Cellphone video footage shows Jake calmly walking away from officers attempting to get in his car when an officer grabbed his shirt and shot him in his back at point blank range. This all happened while Jake's three precious sons, ages 3, 5 and 8, sat in the car. As moms of Black sons, we can't begin to imagine what the children must be going through after experiencing such a traumatic life altering event. The officers showed no regard for Jacob or his children. Now, Jacob’s future hangs in the balance as he’s paralyzed from the waist down as a result of the gun shot wounds he suffered and is handcuffed to a hospital bed as he fights for his life and dignity.

There are no legitimate excuses for this unnecessary outrageous act of violence by someone who is sworn to serve and protect the public. This incident follows a pattern indicating a culture and behavior of policing in America that is savagely brutal and doesn’t value Black lives. This must change now. The people who are sworn to serve and protect must not be allowed to be the perpetrators of bloodthirsty violence with no accountability.

Moms of Black Boys United for Social Change demand a fair and transparent investigation into the death of Jacob Blake. We call for the arrest and firing of the officers who attempted to take Jake Blake's life and that they be prohibited from ever serving as law enforcement officers again. Jacob did what the police should have done; he tried to de-escalate a domestic dispute and for that he was tasered and shot 7 times in the back at close range. Law Enforcement must be held accountable, now.


Call To Action

Join your voices with ours at M.O.B.B. United for Social Change in making our demands.

When making phone calls, be polite but firm. Talking points and sample script:

  • We are pleased to see that the Wisconsin Department of Justice is launching an investigation into the shooting with the help of the Wisconsin State Patrol and the Kenosha County Sheriff's Office. We demand results of the investigation and all video associated with the incident be released to the public as soon as possible. 
  • We demand the Mayor John Antaramian - Email: [email protected]. dismiss the officers involved in this situation.  Administrative leave is not enough.
  • Although the officers involved in Blake's shooting were put on administrative leave, you can still call or email local officials in Kenosha to demand they are held fully responsible:


When you call or email, you can say something along the lines of:

"Hi, my name is [first and last name] and I am a mom of a black boy / man. I demand justice through a fair, transparent investigation and that the officer who recklessly shot Jacob Blake in front of his young children be fired immediately.  Thank you for your time."


M.O.B.B. United for Social Change, Inc. is a nationwide coalition of moms who are dedicated to making the world a safer place for Black boys and men by eradicating harassment, brutality and unwarranted use of deadly force by law enforcement and others against our sons. The group was born out of frustration over the deaths of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile in Minnesota and numerous other innocent Black boys and men killed by police before and after them. It has grown into a mobilized force of moms determined to make a difference. We aim to influence both policy and perception that impact how Black boys and men are treated by law enforcement.