By Tiffany Bargeman
Not everyone understands the plight of Black boys and men in America, much less the plight of moms of Black boys, but it's nice to know that our sons themselves do understand. Mom Desiree Robinson is happy to share her 15 year-old's perspective. Mack Walker's article, titled “To the White Lady Who Racially Profiled Me in My Neighborhood”, was published in the VOX ATL online publication. Mack is credited as VOX’s audio editor, who “serves on the VOX Board of Directors and is an amazing person, if you take the time to get to know him."
15-year-old Mack Walker Speaks Out
Moms of Black Boys United, Inc. and MOBB United for Social Change, Inc. (MUSC) are sure you will be amazed as you read these eloquent expressions and will appreciate Mack’s words as much as we do.
*The following post was shared originally in the Moms of Black Boys United, Inc. private Facebook group, and mom Desiree Robinson gave us permission to share it publicly. If you are a mom of a Black son and member of that group, you can read the original post and comments.