MOBB United for Social Change urges the Borough of Carteret, NJ to swiftly investigate and prosecute officers involved in the brutal beating of 16 year old Monte Stewart.
Background: M.O.B.B. United for Social Change is asking members to contact the Borough of Carteret, NJ to urge them to do a close review of the police department's policies and procedures and to bring charges against all police officers who were involved in the brutal beating of 16 year old Monte Stewart. After losing control of his car and crashing on the highway, instead of receiving assistance from the police, on May 31st, 2017, 16 year old Monte Stewart was kicked, punched and bloodied by police officers. All the while asking the police for their assistance and asking them to stop hitting him.
M.O.B.B. United for Social Change is grateful that Monte is alive and not another hashtag but demands immediate accountability and answers. Though the officers involved have been charged with assault, M.O.B.B. United for Social Change wants to ensure an independent and transparent investigation leading to swift prosecution. Witness statements corroborate that Monte Stewart was not the aggressor and despite having his hands up after the car crash, his was brutally assaulted by the police.
Our sons deserve better and M.O.B.B. United for Social Change will continue to monitor the situation in Carteret, NJ and urge local officials to ensure that significant reforms are undertaken. We need moms to mobilize now.
Contact the following Carteret Bourough and Middlesex County officials and let them know that you are concerned for the welfare of your son(s).
Police Chief
Dennis McFadden
(732) 541-4181
Daniel J. Reiman
Middlesex County Prosecutor
Andrew C Carey
[email protected]
Civilian Police Commissioner
Councilwoman Susan Naples
732-541-3800 (ext, Option 7 then 5)
Here are talking points for a conversation with Borough and County representatives:
- My name is _____________________ I'm calling from MOBB United for Social Change
MOBB United has brought together over 175,000 concerned mothers who want to change the perceptions of black men and black boys and impact policies that negatively affect our sons - black boys and black men. - I am calling to urge the Borough of Carteret, NJ and the Middlesex County Prosecutor to closely examine the behavior of all officers involved in the May 31st incident where police brutally beat 16 year old Monte Stewart after he crashed his car.
- I am also calling to request a thorough and speedy investigation of Officer Joseph Reiman and the release of all dashcam video to the family of Monte Stewart.
- The safety of our sons is critically important and we are deeply disturbed to see the images of and learn of the brutal beating of a 16 year old black boy who was in need of medical assistance and instead received punches, blows and kicks to the body.
- Though we are aware the police are examining recent events and reviewing the police department's policies and procedures, the community needs visibility and oversight into these events.
- This incident must be independently investigated and these officers brought to justice swiftly.