Unfit for Duty: MOBB United for Social Change urges Bellaire police Department to fire Tamir Rice’s killer, Timothy Loehmann
M.O.B.B. United for Social Change is deeply disturbed to learn that the police officer who shot and killed 12-year-old Tamir Rice has been hired as part-time police officer in Bellaire, a village in southeastern Ohio. Tamir Rice was playing with a toy gun in a park near his home when Loehmann ruthlessly shot and killed him in November of 2014. Officer Loehmann was never criminally charged with Tamir Rice’s death, despite clear video evidence showing that he fatally shot Tamir Rice after 2 seconds of arriving to the park.
We call upon Bellaire police chief to rectify this indignity. Officer Loehmann has a troubled employment history, having been fired from at least two prior law enforcement agencies, with his personnel record showing officer Loehmann has had challenges with weapons training and has often omitted important information from his applications for employment. In fact, a review of his personnel record demonstrates that other law enforcement officials have called into question his fitness for duty. His former deputy police chief said: “I do not believe time, nor training, will be able to change or correct [ Loehmann’s] deficiencies.”
M.O.B.B. United for Social Change implores the Bellaire police department to fire Officer Loehmann immediately. The community’s interests are not served by having officer Loehmann back on the streets policing any community as he has already been deemed unfit for duty.
Call To Action
#ProtectThem by demanding immediate action for justice.
Contact village officials below:
- Demand that Bellaire Village police chief Richard "Dick" Flanagan immediately fire Officer Loehmann Say: “Our sons are NOT safe with officer Loehmann on the street.”
- Request the Bellaire village Mayor intervene and ask that the Officer Loehmann’s application and employment offer be reviewed for suitability. If he is not found suitable, he should be immediately fired.
Richard "Dick" Flanagan , Bellaire, Police Chief
Vince DiFabrizio, Mayor, Village of Bellaire
M.O.B.B. United for Social Change, Inc. is a nationwide coalition of moms who are dedicated to making the world a safer place for Black boys and men by eradicating harassment, brutality and unwarranted use of deadly force by law enforcement against our sons. The group was born out of frustration over the deaths of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile in Minnesota and numerous other innocent Black boys and men killed by police before and after them. It has grown into a mobilized force of moms determined to make a difference. We aim to influence both policy and perception that impact how Black boys and men are treated by law enforcement.